Fantastic Art Featuring Freddie Mercury

There is a fine line when it comes to cartooning and caricature.  When creating a cartoon or caricature of a celebrity the main goal is to capture the likeness of that person.  When creating a caricature an artist essentially hones in on someone's most prominent features and then exaggerates  them.  How far an artist goes … Continue reading Fantastic Art Featuring Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe

Barcelona, Freddie Mercury's collaboration with opera superstar Montserrat Caballe, is his crowning achievement.  I have long felt this way about this incredibly special album.  Barcelona is the logical fulfillment of the  bombastic pop/rock opera fusion that Freddie Mercury helped to create within the context of Queen.  The music featured on the Barcelona album toned down … Continue reading Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe