9/11/2023: A Celebration Of What Was…

So many years have passed since 9/11/2001. In that time there have been many significant words written about the events surrounding that day. Chilling words written about the events leading up to that day. Tragic words written about the devastation of that day. Poignant words written about the aftermath of that day. Over the last … Continue reading 9/11/2023: A Celebration Of What Was…

A Few Thoughts On The 21st Anniversary Of The September 11 Attacks

I recently had a curious thought. It would seem with each passing year the news cycle spins faster and faster.   If the events of 9/11 had occurred today, instead of in 2001, how quickly would the tragic events of that day run through the news cycle. How soon before we would move on to the … Continue reading A Few Thoughts On The 21st Anniversary Of The September 11 Attacks