Worry Is A Time Thief

One definition of worry is: a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.  All of us are guilty, at one point or another, of letting worry overtake us. A good deal of our worry is related to potential problems. We are human and, for better or worse, worry is a part of our makeup. How we deal with worry is what sets many of us apart.   Some of us wallow in worry, dwelling on the unknown.  While others are so bogged down by worry they become paralyzed in their decision making.  In some cases worry turns a molehill into a seemingly insurmountable mountain.

Worry always deals with the future. This fact makes worrying a fruitless exercise.  No one can foresee the future. None of us can predict the outcome of an event or determine how someone will react to a given situation.   Worry can not change the future.  It can not even change the present. Worry in no way gives us an advantage in any given circumstance.  Worry does impact our present, adding unneeded stress to our lives and to those around us.  Ultimately worry is a time thief.  Those with an active imagination can find themselves actively consuming the present time, worrying about future outcomes that most likely will never occur.

My wife and I were recently in a situation, which for different reasons, caused us needless worry.  Due to a few unknown variables we found ourselves, at times, succumbing to worry.  As we approached the day to engage in this situation, our levels of worry steadily increased.  The state of worry did not overwhelm us, but it was a noticeable presence which was taking up more space in our minds. Our worrisome feelings stole time away from more profitable thoughts. The day came and the end result was a strong victory for my wife and a great relief for myself.  Everything that we were worried about proved not to be an issue.  When all was said and done everything went smoothly, with absolutely no bumps in the road.  To put it simply, we wasted time and energy worrying. 

It is far too easy to get caught up in the unknown and let worry take over our minds. Worry can be like a snowball rolling down a hill.  If we let it roll uncontrolled it will grow bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier.  Worrying may in some ways feel good in the moment.  For some it may be a way to attempt to control the emotions that spring up due to an uncertain future outcome.  However, worry is a fruitless endeavor that only steals time and has no effect on the future.  Do not waste time on worry, that is time you will never get back.  Any time spent worrying will never return to us. Time is precious and worry is a thief of time. 

Troy Tennard

3 thoughts on “Worry Is A Time Thief

  1. More than time, my friend, worry if a life and health thief. Worry brings stress, so constant worry places the body under equally constant stress that saps one’s health. It is an expressway to high blood pressure, mental breakdowns, and the subsequent issues that arise from both. Simply put, worry kills. I’m not saying we should all be singing Bobby McFerrin’ “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” as a measure of concern about critical matters is both natural and needed, but overwhelming, all-consuming concern is troublesome.

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  2. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians chapter 4: 6,7 said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

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